Sunday, May 16, 2010

Easter into Summer

Cara's bird

We've all been busy, Meriel with Ecomodo, which has recently launched and Cara with her plasticine (Jo with his Beastquest and DS).

Since the introduction of the iTouch, the blogging has suffered. It's quicker than a computer for most uses, but can't blog so well - end result, less blog posts.

Anyway, there have been birthdays (well, one really, Meriel's 40th) and birthday presents (a trip to Jersey on the bikes):

Steeds Margaritas

Meriel at St Ouen's

There have also been numerous other 40th birthdays, most recently John's down at Sausmarez Park (an 80's affair with some of us dressing up so much that we no longer looked like we did in the 80's - not me, mind):


And we've had visitors over Easter, namely Kirk, Helen, Finlay and Alice - which was awesome:

Meriel Alice and Cara DS (i)

There have been other things going on, of course. Kids are doing well at school, we're well into the summer term. Jo is fast approaching the time when we'll have to look inot the workings of the 11+. Cara is well established in the infants dept and Lenny is PTAing (not a real word, I know) as usual.

I'm not about to make resolutions about more frequent entries, but the evidence of what is going on is loosely conveyed by our Flickr account, which usually serves as a reminder about what should be blogged anyway.

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