Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas concerts

Both the kids had Christmas concerts, Cara with her year 1 friends and Jonah with the Schools orchestra:

Cara's concert

Jo's Concert

Cara got pride of place, being the chef who mixes all the Chritmas ingredients into a big pot. She did soooooooo well.

Jonah's orchestra concert was really impressive and although we thought their conductor was ruling with a rod made with a little too much iron, it turns out that he's really quite nice - he just doesn't want to be left waiting around for everyone to turn up on a Saturday morning. Anyway, the results of their labours speak (or play) for themselves.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Wet, windy Winter

There really isn't much to do when it's howling outside and the nights have closed in. So things here have taken a turn for the TV and the DS.

Ahhhh, the unifying force of Nintendo:


Both Kids have been doing super well at school. Only a couple of weeks ago, Cara's literacy teacher stopped me at school and said "I just had to tell you that your daughter is a delight to teach". Can't say fairer than that. They are soooooo good.

On vaguely the same subject, Cara got to look after her teacher's teddy for the weekend. He's called Sunny. All the kids eventually get a go (if they're good) and seeing as most people stuck pictures in the book that came with him (as well as writing about what the kids did with him), it seemed rude not to push the boat out:

Cara & Sunny


In other news, it's coming close to Christmas and we'll be off to London, then we'll head back for New years before heading over to the Alps for a ski holiday.