Monday, January 05, 2009

Christmas catchup

A broken computer over the Christmas period meant no blog postings, so here's a quick round up of the events in image form (not that there were many):

Making Christmas cards for school friends Making Christmas cards for school friends

The children made cards with Meriel, although they'd already done some through the school (facilitated by Lenny amongst other PTA people). Meriel got them to do a picture of a basic Christmas tree each, then she scanned them both in and printed out a pile of them to be given decorations by the kids. Lenny was in London attending James' birthday party. Here's a shot of a snowman's backside from Carnaby Street:

The Snowman's butt

And the street where he worked for years when he was living there (just a visit for old time's sake):

Berwick Street

After a very relaxed Christmas at home entertaining Grandma (Catherine), we all spent the rest of the holidays just messing about and having fun. CAra made patterns on the windows (not all of the time):

Cara's window stickers

And Jonah used his new explosive chemistry set to make a volcano and its environs:

Makey makey

and here's the result:

Almost hit the ceiling.

There was the usual "lots of walking" on cold beaches:

Cold day for a walk Meriel

And there was tree planting at Ed and Vanessa's place where there was a film crew from the mainland who were doing some sort of "Grand Designs" for gardening. Lovely day and lots of nice grub sitting on their veranda looking over Saint's Bay (they have a phenomenal view).

Grow tubes

Finally (because my memory is only as good as our images on Flickr) there were the crocodiles:


But we all escaped unharmed.

The end.