Saturday, October 03, 2009


Meriel's making lots of wine.

We'll never drink it - unless we're thirsty

It doesn't half bubble, mind:

Mini strobist

Cara's got into photography lately. She knows how to use more of the functions on the P&S than I do (which is saying something).

I also set her up with a strobe, brolly and DSLR and she got some pretty inspiring results for a five year old:

Puppy & bunny

Mini Strobist

Although her assistant was awesome (and underpaid).

End of the hols, start of the term

The relentless march of the school calendar means alot less of this:



and much more of this:


Oh, no, hang on, that's not right. Oh well, at least she's wearing her uniform.

Cara's in year 1 and Jo's in year 4, which just goes to confirm the truth behind all the clichés dealing with the speed that children grow up.

I'll try to get a video of the kids cycling to school on their bikes before the weather turns and we're stuck in the car again. The only trouble will be getting past the health and safety problems associated with using a camera on a bicycle - I'm not talking about the law, it's just that if the kids see me do it, they'll bring me to book, which I guess is my fault in the end.


That'll be the Battle of Britain day, then.

Took the kids out of school over lunch so they could watch, although apart from watching the red arrows we might as well have taken them to the park. Still, they always impress (the red arrows - and I suppose I have to say the kids do, too).


Arras Arrow

And this year there was an F-16 (which was too loud for the ears of those who are of a certain age):


Lest we forget, the blades also repeated their practice session over the house just like last year. They even did the same "dive bomb our garden" routine - of which I will never tire. It's a good thing, mind, seeing as their display has such a small radius and we watch them from such a distance on the actual day, that the show over the house is much, much better than the event itself:

Blades again


House and blades