Thursday, June 10, 2010

Herm camping

We went to Herm for two days at the end of the half-term holidays and the weather was just amazing.

The rock


I'd do that again in a trice. I might even do it if conditions weren't perfect - but of course that's very easy to say.

Happy Birthday, Jonah

And just as Cara's Birthday disappears behind us, Jonah's looms up.

He's 9 you know.

I'd almost given up counting.


This was the only recent picture of Jonah that didn't require me to take it from a great distance. He's too camera shy.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Sometimes, small things make such a big impression


I want chokloot.

So does Cara.

It's probably the best thing ever

Happy Birthday, Cara

It was Cara's 6th Birthday on the 19th.

Six, eh? Sheesh.

Needless to say she had an awesome day


She asked for a cake with fairies on it. In the past we'd always drawn on the cake with icing tubes, but given that it was a cream cake, we had to go another route:

Cara's Birthday cake

I think I was the most chuffed about this. But I don't care.

To add to all that, they had a sleep-over at Grandma's that Saturday and she got a letter saying that she'd been accepted to receive tuition for violin, viola or cello (please, please, please don't let it be the cello, it's too biiiiiiig). Anyhoo, it's really excellent news as we were beginning to think that no news was bad news. The deal is that, if you are accepted to do this thing, you get free tuition (as long as you turn up to the orchestra practices at the weekend as well - which is cool).

Jo's up next.

Nine, eh? Sheesh.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Easter into Summer

Cara's bird

We've all been busy, Meriel with Ecomodo, which has recently launched and Cara with her plasticine (Jo with his Beastquest and DS).

Since the introduction of the iTouch, the blogging has suffered. It's quicker than a computer for most uses, but can't blog so well - end result, less blog posts.

Anyway, there have been birthdays (well, one really, Meriel's 40th) and birthday presents (a trip to Jersey on the bikes):

Steeds Margaritas

Meriel at St Ouen's

There have also been numerous other 40th birthdays, most recently John's down at Sausmarez Park (an 80's affair with some of us dressing up so much that we no longer looked like we did in the 80's - not me, mind):


And we've had visitors over Easter, namely Kirk, Helen, Finlay and Alice - which was awesome:

Meriel Alice and Cara DS (i)

There have been other things going on, of course. Kids are doing well at school, we're well into the summer term. Jo is fast approaching the time when we'll have to look inot the workings of the 11+. Cara is well established in the infants dept and Lenny is PTAing (not a real word, I know) as usual.

I'm not about to make resolutions about more frequent entries, but the evidence of what is going on is loosely conveyed by our Flickr account, which usually serves as a reminder about what should be blogged anyway.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Skiing - Again!

Twice in two years. We are clearly forming a habit.

Alpe D'Huez this year, along with the Hurdleys, the Marshal-Thomases, Simon, Mel, Tom and Claire.

Just for the full picture, here's a link to Dan (Hurdley's) Flickr set of the holiday

The kids got lessons from ESF and were doing really, really well by the end of the week. Lenny had his 40th up there (which was a most awesome day).

Here's the snaps:

Alpe D'Huez

Meriel & Cara Lenny




Bum boarding Bum boarding

Monday, March 01, 2010


We were in Hampshire at Imogen and George's for Christmas, which meant travelling through London. So we took a few days to see some friends and do the two things we have to do when we go to London - see a film and go to Yo!Sushi. We saw "Up" in 3D and ate popcorn. Check the groovy glasses:


We stayed a t Gran and Pampa's for a few nights and most mornings we got a visit from this really friendly fox:


I mean, it's not too often that you can sit next to a fox and take a picture, albeit through a glass fronted door.

We went for a walk through Richmond park when the weather allowed and the kids fed the ducks and went tree climbing:

Tree climbing

Then it was off to Alton for the main event. It was very white down there, so naturally everyone got into snowball fights almost immediately:


There was also this quite frantic episode where we went for a walk and halfway round left the teenagers in charge of the smaller kids while we went on a longer route. Naturally they got lost in a big forest and we had to split up and run around the place looking for them while the sun dipped below the horizon. Found them just in the nick of time. All fine.

One quite strange, but awesome highlight was our present to Pampa. A sphere made up of 216 spherical neodymium magnets. A great toy and as it turns out a great game, too. Once disassembled, it's a non-trivial issue to get it back to being a cube. So we all got a chance to try to put it back together. The shortest time was under a minute:

Neodynium magnet cube

Neodynium magnet cube

Ans so it was that we returned to Guernsey for a short rest before going skiing - what a life!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Blog-lag catchup

It's so easy to get behind with posting new entries. There's almost too much to post up, so let's just start with the kids:



There, see? The same, but bigger. These shot were taken in London just before Christmas, so naturally the next post will be some of the images and stuff from then.