Monday, October 09, 2006

Cara's Princess

Cara's Princess
Originally uploaded by Lenny & Meriel.
Cara loves to draw. She has a very different style from Jonah's at the same age - much more considered and detailed. This is a picture of a princess which did all by herself. The eyes and the mouth are self explanatory. The long line looping around the face is the dress.

A & B

Jo's recorder
Originally uploaded by Lenny & Meriel.
We bought a recorder for £1 at a charity shop. When Meriel was a simliar age to Jonah she started learning the recorder. She remembers giving a recital to family using only the notes A & B - that's all she had learnt. Jonah now knows A & B - although as shown in this picture he insists that he put his hands the wrong way round. Grrrrrr......

Meriel has now unpacked her flute and her old music - it's in fine condition but she is VERY rusty indeed. Some practice is required!