Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Jo's new bike

Jo's new bike
Originally uploaded by Lenny & Meriel.
Jo is now using his new bike and we're using it to go to the beach - school is out for summer and so we're spending quite alot of time there. Apart from the odd small crash, he's getting on very well. Meantime Cara is using his old bike with stabilisers and managing very successfully.

Herm trip

Jo on the rib
Originally uploaded by Lenny & Meriel.
The Hurdleys asked us on a trip to Herm or their rib last Saturday. Weather ended up wonderful and we had lunch and dinner at shell beach. Jo had a great time on the rib, having never been on a really fast boat. When we got to Herm he came on the boat again to watch his Mum and Dad wakeboarding, which he thought was very exciting.
Cara, needless to say had a lovely day playing on the beach, but fell asleep on the boat.

Friday, July 07, 2006

No stabilisers!

Jo rides his bike
Originally uploaded by Lenny & Meriel.
Although we are consumed by the buiding work on our house, life does carry on. Jo is away on his bike without the aid of stabilisers. He's out at every opportunity and he's loving it. Now we just need to persuade him to use the new bike he got for his birthday. One step at a time ...

Oh, and of course no new bike rider would be complete without his matching set of skinned knees and other crash scars. Hooray for helmets.